Rules and Regulations  

A) Admissions

1. Prescribed Admission Form along with birth certificate should be submitted to the Principal.

2. The minimum age for admission to Pre-Nursury is 2½ years on 1st April 2010.

3. Admission to primary and high classes are made after written test followed by an interview.

4. Transfer certificate from the previous institution attended to be submitted at the time of admission.

5. The school authorities reserve the right to refuse admission in any class without specifying any reason.

B) Withdrawals

The school authorities are empowered to order withdrawal of any student from the school on the following grounds:

1. Unauthorized prolonged absence from the school.

2. Health grounds

3. Non payment of the school dues.

4. Poor academic performance.

5. Disciplinary grounds.

C) Attendance

A regular attendance is an important requirement for successful results. A written leave application must be submitted well in advance. In case of illness and other unforeseen circumstances, the parents should inform the Principal in written as soon as possible. If the child remains absent continuously for 7 days, then his/her names shall be struck off from the school rolls and in that case readmission will have to be sought after.

D) Change of Rules

Rules and Regulations mentioned in the prospects may be changed at any time by the school authorities and any modification, as and when made shall be binding on all existing students.

E) School Examinations:

Progress of the students shall be assessed on the basis of unit tests/ terminal and annual examinations. The marks obtained in these tests shall be taken in to consideration at the time of determining annual promotion except VIII, IX, X and XII classes. A student absent in any examination for any reason shall not be re-examined.

F) Change of Address

In case of any address official or residential, parents are required to inform the school office in writing.

G) Monthly Progress Report

Parents are expected to collect progress report cards of their children after every unit test examination on the dates announced by the school and must be returned to the school with 6 days of their receipt. In case of loss, a duplicate card shall be issued against a payment of Rs. 50/-.

H) School Diary

In the beginning of the session, every student is issued with a school diary which serves as a vital link between home and the school. The diary contains information useful for the students from day to day. It is therefore requested that the parents see the diary regularly and communicate with the school through this diary and fill the information asked for.

I) Discipline

1. No jewellery, cash and costly items to be brought by the students in school.

2. It is compulsory for all students to participate in school functions.

3. Students are not allowed to leave school during school hours without written permission from the Principal.

4. Every child is urged to contribute to the high values of school and maintained discipline by his/her conduct.

5. Students are not allowed to use motorcycle, scooter in school.

6. The school does not accept any responsibility for loss of books, money etc.

J) Injuries, Fatal or otherwise.

1. The school is not responsible for any damages/charges whatsoever for any injuries fatal or otherwise, caused during the child's stay in the school.

2. Though the school takes all precautions, it is not liable in case of accident, unforseen, which could take place within or outside school campus, while out on an excursion, taking part in sprots/ games or any other activity in the school. All expenses in the treatment of such will be borne by the parents/guardians of the child.

K) Insurance

All the students are insured under general insurance scheme.

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